Popular Spruce-fir forest Destinations
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Big Sky features Lone Peak Mountain, a towering peak over the falling away slopes people ski and snowboard away from. Majestically clothed most of a recent ski trip by layers of clouds, I slowed down from my meandering down on ski’s to capture the wondrous scene // follow me on Instagram @jknepp
- Experienced by @Jonathan Knepper | © Unsplash
On our “rest day” during our ski trip, we decided it would be fun to try out snowshoeing. None in our group had been, and so after picking up some equipment we got to the trailhead and began our slow hike through the wintery wilderness. As tough as it was, I don’t think I’ve ever been surrounded by such snowy beauty // follow me on Instagram @jknepp
- Experienced by @Jonathan Knepper | © Unsplash
On our “rest day” during our ski trip, we decided it would be fun to try out snowshoeing. None in our group had been, and so after picking up some equipment we got to the trailhead and began our slow hike through the wintery wilderness. As tough as it was, I don’t think I’ve ever been surrounded by such snowy beauty // follow me on Instagram @jknepp
- Experienced by @Jonathan Knepper | © Unsplash
On our “rest day” during our ski trip, we decided it would be fun to try out snowshoeing. None in our group had been, and so after picking up some equipment we got to the trailhead and began our slow hike through the wintery wilderness. As tough as it was, I don’t think I’ve ever been surrounded by such snowy beauty // follow me on Instagram @jknepp
- Experienced by @Jonathan Knepper | © Unsplash